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Whole Body Swelled Up After HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), 40 yr old.

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

This client suffered from Rhabdomyolysis for 6 hours after 45min HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). Her whole body swelled up. She had to monitor her urine throughout the 6 hours. If it turned brown, she had to hospitalize.

She started on HIIT some months ago, doing it every day for 1.5months. But she noticed instead of slimming down, she got bigger after HIIT.

Her muscles were aching all over but she thought it was normal after intensive exercise. She didn't know it could become so bad that one day her entire body swelled up. She had since stopped HIIT because her friend also suffered from Rhabdomyolysis and she was hospitalized.

She wanted me to share about the danger of HIIT as many people never check whether they are suitable for it or if they are over-doing it.

Such centres do not check for B/P or heart rate before they allow someone on the program. Nor do they advise the suitable intensity for each client. Most of the time they push sales or believe that clients should push themselves to cross the limit so clients are encouraged to to do it everyday. However not all are suitable.

I shared with her that I have another client who did daily exercise and cut down on food intake but he continued to balloon the last 2 yrs. When he came for our Weight Management program, I asked him to stop exercising and start eating. He said it didn't make sense at all. If input was more than output, how could he lose weight?

I explained that his body was off balance, we need to nourish the body first then he could achieve weight loss.

So he took up the challenge. He stopped all forms of exercises, rested and eat well and in 3 weeks, he lost 6 kg and dropped 2 level of Visceral Fat.

Every individual is different. If you have been over stressing your body with exercise but not eating right, you may want to rest the body and seek balance in order to see weight loss results.

Balance is the key.

Jacelyn Tay 11/06/19

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