
Her acne cleared by 80-90% and gastric discomfort was 100% gone in two weeks. She also lost 5kg.
How did this client do it?
When one detoxifies and eats right, everything improves holistically, including the skin, weight, energy and sleep.
Her acne problem started in 2017 due to poor diet while living in the school hostel. She had much stress when she first entered University. In 2018, it got really bad. She started seeking help, but it was still not entirely resolved. In January 2021, she came to Body Inc. hoping to have clearer skin by learning how to eat right and lead a healthier lifestyle.
If you have an acne problem and have no idea how to fix it, change your diet first.
1) Avoid all sugars and dairy. That means more than 4000 products on shelves.
Acne has to do with an "acidic" body and bacteria issue. Constipation, acid reflux and gastric issues are common symptoms associated with acne problems. This client used to skip breakfast. Her lunch and dinner consisted of mainly junk foods and snacks.
Our health coach and founder, Jacelyn Tay explained, "Skipping breakfast means 1 out of 3 daily meals is missing out. That is depriving the body of 33% nutrient intake every single day. For this client, her diet was mainly refined, oily carbs like fried rice, noodles or bread and unhealthy snacks like potato chips. Her meals were seriously lacking in fruits and vegetables which contains vital nutrients such as fibre, vitamins, phytochemicals, antioxidants and many more. The main culprit was the bubble tea which she took a lot during her school days. At Body Inc., we have a group of young acne clients who used to take bubble tea daily. Sugary drinks plus milk is the perfect recipe for acne to flare up. Stagnation of blood, increased phlegm and dampness in the body might lead to weight gain and pimples or acne too."
2) Avoid overly spicy food or chemicals. One common culprit was mala (麻辣)hot pot, a hot favourite in Singapore.
Why did this young client crave for it? The chemical flavorings in the mala soup usually upsets one's digestive system which leads to hormonal imbalances, affecting the liver and the immune system, contributing to bacteria issues.
Now, with CNY (Chinese New Year) round the corner, she was very happy to meet relatives with her new body and skin. Our health coach advised her with a laugh, "Make sure you avoid all the goodies which contain nothing but sugar, gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts. Acne can come back if your diet is overly junk."
The only processed food approved in her diet was abalone for the new year. This client promised her mom that she would leave the junk goodies to others, but finish up all the abalone by herself. (She was just kidding!)
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