Case CS01201

No short-cut in healing.
Any skin issue would require detox and a change in diet and lifestyle. While waiting for the body to remove existing toxins and rebuild the immune system, one must not add in more toxins. Food is the best medicine, or poison (junk food).
2012 - This client 17 years old, started having eczema on her elbows and hands. That was also the time she started drinking a lot of beer in University.
2019 - Started working life, eczema spread. Took one course of steroid. She had tension headache, needed to pee at 2am or 4am, and felt tired.
4 Jan 2020 - started detox @bodyinc
30 Jan 2020 - no more night pee, no longer tired. Inflammation gone down quite steadily especially on her arms, which was still having slight itch. She had ear block on her right ear and numbness, pins and needles on the left side of her head.
17 Feb 2020 - Thighs were much better, no more itch. If she slept well, skin would be good. If not, she became more irritable and skin would flare. No more pins/needles and headache. Didn't wake up at night anymore to scratch, hence ample sleep allowed very good recovery.
2 Apr 2020 - Near full recovery.
1 Jul 2020 - Past few months skin was good. More varieties of food could be added without flareup.
1 Oct 2020 - Total recovery. Now waiting for little scars to heal.
Her healing journey is typical of our eczema cases. Without relying on any drugs, antihistamine or steroid, this journey totally based on a proper diet, some natural herbal supplementation and disciplined lifestyle. It requires time and patience.
A mindset determined to change old bad habits is crucial to total recovery.
Eczema healing journey could be tougher for those with childhood eczema, TSW (topical steroid withdrawal) or had been taking years of antibiotics/antihistamines/steroid/immunosuppressants. With decades of toxins in the body, one cannot expect fast results with a few weeks. Healing period is anytime between 3-6 months for childhood eczema and 6-18 months for TSW. Skin takes time to regenerate and repair, and for the immune system to rebalance & become stronger.
The good news is, eczema is manageable without drugs.
Find out more about our Eczema Protocol
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